The Two’s

It’s a whole new world for our Preschool Two year old’s.

For many parents, this is the first time leaving your child in the care of someone other than friends and family. We take extra care with our 2 year old little ones to make sure they feel safe and right at home.

We know that the 2’s can be a challenging time for children and parents alike. Your little one is growing, learning, and experiencing many new things for the first time and often, they find it challenging to express how they feel or what they need.

At PCPS we always use positive reinforcement to encourage your toddler when he or she makes good choices. In those trying moments, we focus on positive redirection to prevent unnecessary escalation.


The Preschool uses the Christian based, Essentials Curriculum in the Two’s classroom. Teachers use the thematic based curriculum, along with other supplemental material, to enhance the learning environment for each child. Developmentally appropriate activities are intentionally planned in order to nurture each child’s growth mentally, physically, and spiritually. It is our belief that each child is uniquely and wonderfully made, and because of this, we are committed to touching lives and teaching truth to the little ones that the Lord places in our care.


• Weekly Bible Story Themes
• Daily Bible Verses
• Learning Key Biblical Figures

Motor Development

• Cutting, Tracing, and Folding
• Proper pencil positioning

Numeracy / Mathematics

• Learning to understand less or more
• Identifying if items are bigger and smaller
• Simple sorting


• Begin to expose children to alphabet, colors, shapes and numbers
• Help to build and understand vocabulary

Social – Emotional Skills

• Encouraging sharing and taking turns
• Learning to sit quietly for short periods of time
• Follow one step directions
• Learning to put things away in appropriate places
• Learning to stand on marked line
• Learning to use walking feet


• Teacher-guided ways for problem solving
• Teacher guided observation of the natural world